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Entries in Bug out (4)


Disaster Tip of The Week: Prepare to Adapt to Changes In Your Life

Sometimes, life causes us to make changes. One's we didn't really plan for. In the last few years I have had to change my plans and the way I prep. I went from being a Bug-Out person to one of Bugging-in. Let me share the story.

I started “prepping” when I was quite young. Around the age of seven I believe. Back then we would go to the Otsego County fair in upstate NY. My favorite place to go was the area where the Red Cross and Civil Defense were set up. I would collect every piece of paper I could get my little hands on. When I would get home, I would sit and read them for hours.

I always thought I was lucky because living and growing up in Staten Island, NY I was near the City (Manhattan), and went to my grandparent’s place (upstate NY) several times per year.

I grew up learning to shoot, hunt, fish, hike and find my way in the woods. It kinda helps when one of your friends decides when he’s going to not listen, and go this way, and we ended up getting “lost”. I did get us home, but it took a few extra hours. But I digress.

So, back to prepping. At some point I decided to make a Bug-Out-Bag. In it I put extra cloths, food, fishing line, fishing hooks already tied off with line, a trusty knife and a few other items. My intention was to hike the roughly 200 miles to my grandparent’s house in the event I had to get out of dodge.

Big hike for a kid but figuring one of our twenty plus miles hikes a day in the boy scouts it would take me a little less than two weeks to get there. Yeah, I had it all figured out back then.


Later on in life I had a car taking that trip down to just a few hours.

Alas, my grandparents passed, the property was sold (thought it would always be there), I moved across the Country, got married, had kids.

And here we are today. We have a very nice home in a wonderful area, and I have no where to Bug-Out to. While that will change in the future, bugging out with kids can be difficult, if not downright dangerous depending on where you are.

Plans change, and we must adapt with what life throws at us. Currently my perspective and circumstances have changed to one of bugging-in. Yes, there are events that could happen in which bugging-out would have to happen. However, bugging-in is the best option for us at this time.

We are well stocked – and under the current circumstances, my wife says she will never question why I get at least two of everything. So she says. Time will tell.

Long-term we will go back to the bug-out plan but for the time being hunkering down and staying in place is our only option.

How about you? Are you going to Bug-in or Bug-out? Do you have family? What are your circumstances? Are you a life-long prepper that had to adapt or make changes?


Choosing The Right Bug-Out-Bag Can Be The Difference

There are humdreds of posts out there on putting your Bug-Out-Bag together. What to include in it, what not to include in it, essentials, just-in-case, and so on. I've even done a few posts like that including - The most important Thing You Should Consider When Creating a Bug-Out-Bag. What few do talk about is how to choose the right Bug-Out-Bag for you.

First, should come fit and with fit comfort. You don't want to lug around a bag weighing 50, 70, 80 or even 100 pounds of weight without it being comfortable. Also, you want it to fit right. The most practical choice for many is the backpack and you want to be certain you can wear it and be able to move freely with it on.

Second, You want to be able to access at least some items rapidly and easily. Certain bags lend themselves to this category easily, others do not. Also, depending on your size and body type it may be easier for you to use one type of bag but the same bag for someone else they may have difficulty reaching an item.

With both of these thing in mind, going out and trying different types of bags on for size may be best. This is especially true if you have never tried one before. If you are unsure, go to a camping goods or outdoor store and ask for help. Many of the stores have people trained to help you find the right fit. A good idea is if you find one that you would be comfortable hiking or camping with, it will likely make a good Bug-Out-Bag. The only exception here is that I would not choose a brightly colored bag.

The next thing to consider is what you need to place into the bag, and how much the maximum weight you want the bag to be at. Then find ways to reduce the pack load any way you can.

Finally, make sure that you are able to carry everything you need inside that Bug-Out-Bag that you would need to reach your destination. Another good idea is to have places with items cached along the route you will be traveling.

Below are some of the types of bags I use. Yes, I have different ones, but I also use them to show other people. The most important thing about choosing the right Bug-Out-Bag is picking the right one for you.




Disaster Tip of the Week: Choosing Your Bug-Out-Location

Last week I talked about the first steps on deciding on what to include in your Bug-Out-Bag (BOB). As I mentioned one of the most important things about deciding on what to put into your BOB is how far away or how long it will take you to get to your Bug-Out-Location.

How you choose your Bug-Out-Location will depend on a number of factors, such as:

  • Can you afford to purchase your own location
  • Do you have a trusted group of people that can purchase a location together
  • Is it easy for you to get to
  • Can you get there if you had to walk
  •  Is it safe from the same or other potential hazards

If you’re lucky enough that you can afford to purchase your own location or to get in on one with some other people you will want to look for a location that is preferably in a different region from your main living location. The best site will be property you can purchase that also has access to water, hunting, wood, and enough space to grow your own food. Also take into consideration the security of the location as well.

If others can find it or know where it is, and you have supplies stocked up there is the chance that they could be gone before you get there or even worse taken over and occupied.

Again, consider how long it would take for you to get to the location. If you’re traveling alone and have the knowhow to survive the more remote and further away you can make your location. If you have a family that you need to take care of you MUST consider locating your Bug-Out-Location closer and will likely have to make it more accessible.

What if you’re not lucky enough to be able to afford your own property? The first thing I would do is find a relative or even a friend who lives either in a remote rural location. At the very least find a relative or friend that lives outside of the region in which you live that will not be impacted by the same event that would cause you to leave and seek shelter.

Once you choose the relative or friend, talk to them about your plans, and as a start offer to set them up at your location if something should happen to cause them the need to leave their location. Once you agree to work together in this respect, you can work together to get supplies and set up your Bug-Out-Location.

Another option you have especially if you live in an urban environment is to know where evacuation points and evacuation shelters will be during an emergency. Typically they will be in large schools, but not always. If you must, get involved with your community, or call your local Emergency Operations Center and ask them where the shelters are and which you should report to if a disaster occurs.

Know where these locations will be, and devise a plan to get to the shelter or evacuation points. If you’re in a situation where you need to utilize this option make sure you’re one of the people who get there early. Getting to them early is particularly important if the plan is to use these shelters as a staging point to get people onto other methods of transportation to relocate them out of the area. Make sure you’re on that bus, train or other means of getting out.

As a last resort you can always use the option of Bugging-In which is when you choose to stay put and wait out any event. Not the best option especially in a fire or flood situation and you’ll be taking your life into your own hands.



Disaster Tip of the Week: Start and Keep a Go Bag Ready At All Times

First let me start off by saying that your Go-Bag or Bug-Out Bag should not be your only, or main source in a survival situation. You should have other supplies ready to keep you and your family sustained for an extended period of time.

The idea of a Go-Bag or Bug-Out Bag is to have supplies ready at a moments notice should you have to leave or evacuate from your home, or other location. These supplies should be packed ahead of time and hopefully placed into a backpack so it is comfortable to carry since you may be traveling a long distance.

In most cases you would not have time to gather the supplies needed during an evacuation, so it is best to have them ready to go at all times. I see many people intending to use a go-Bag as their main source for survival if everything goes south. I can't stress enough how important it is to keep your go-Bag separate from your regular supplies.

In addition, every member of your family, or party if you have one should have their own bag. Even children should have their own bags so long as they can carry one. We'll discuss go-Bags for kids at another time.

Now that we have covered the true purpose of a go-Bag lets discuss what you should put in it. First the bag should be a good solid bag, preferably as mentioned earlier a backpack. If you have to leave on foot, or become stranded a backpack is the easiest bag to carry.

What should you put into your bag? While many people argue about what items and brands are best to carry, we are just going to stick with the basics.

Here is a basic list of items you will want to consider including in your go-Bag:

  1.  Cash - plenty of it because depending on the event credit cards may not be useful. Consider having about $500 in ones (the more the better, and try to make them all singles), that way you never need change. A couple of quarter rolls could come in handy for Public phones, vending machines and laundry. Do not "flash" it around, unless you like being robbed, even assaulted, i.e. mugged. I suggest carrying different amounts in various pockets and keeping several "Throw Away Bills" in case you do get mugged, throw that onto the ground so you can make a fast get away.
  2. First Aid Kit - a decent well-stocked kit, including a couple of weeks' supply of any prescription medications you need.
  3. Sewing Kit. Include in this non-waxed floss and a U-shaped leather needle. Include extra needles, thread, buttons and if you can, fabric.
  4. Clothing - Wool is best as cotton is useless once it gets wet; add thermal wear, underwear, sock and carry extras of everything.
  5. Crank style Flashlight and glow-sticks.
  6. Crank style NOAA weather/AM-FM Radio. If you use one that takes batteries, carry extras.
  7. Food and water -- Carry enough to get you where you want to go plus extra.
  8. Lighter, waterproof matches and another source such as a strike based fire starter. Always best to carry extras here as well.
  9. Hand and feet warmers -- 2 per person if you can.
  10. Good sleeping bag -- can double as a blanket at a shelter.
  11. Good air matress if you can.
  12. Wool blanket, not a must if you have a sleeping bag, but great to have.
  13. Emergency Mylar Space blankets.
  14. Good rain poncho -- one that covers you and your bag is best.
  15. Rope -- Carry several, great for many things, from shelter, to rescue.
  16. Duct Tape.
  17. Tarp -- can double as emergency shelter if you don't have a tent.
  18. Dust Masks carry several per person.
  19. Maps -- local and the location where you want to go.
  20. leather work gloves.
  21. Folding saw.
  22. Hatchet.
  23. Multi-tool.
  24. 2 knives.
  25. Toiletries.
  26. compass/GPS (good to carry 2 compasses if just for reassurance).
  27. Gun and ammo if possible.
  28. Fishing hooks, and fishing wire, a couple of sinkers and floats ill be good too.
  29. Important documents, license, passport, etc.
  30. pen and paper.

This is a great list to get started with and you will have to make adjustments based on what type of load you can carry, and how far you are traveling.

What are some items that you keep in your go-Bag?