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Ebola Virus - Why Has It Spread So Far, So Fast? 

Source: CDC - Ebola Virus

The Ebola outbreak in the West African Countries of Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone has so far caused Suspected Case Deaths: 961, with Suspected and Confirmed Case Count: 1779 as of this writing.

The spread of the virus has grown "out of control" and this state will likely remain this way for the next few weeks. Global Government agencies such as the CDC and NGO's alike are responding to stem the spread of the ebola virus. Though, several agencies are reporting that the current ebola virus is spreading beyond current efforts to contain it.

Why is it spreading so far so fast?

Part of the reason why ebola virus has spread so far so quickly has more to do with the cultural customs and beliefs in the areas where the ebola virus has occurred.

  • First, is the distrust of western doctors and medicine. This is not so in every instance, but does play at least some role. 
  • Another, as with the American citizen that travelled to Nigeria, after he became infected after his wife died of the disease, is a complete denial that they are infected. With an incubation period lasting as long as 21 days, some people are in denial they have become infected.
  • Another reason is the mishandling of the dead. As with many other places in the world, people have customs and rituals dealing with the treatment of the dead. In this case, some family members clean the body for burial without the use of proper protective clothing. If I am not mistaken, it is also proper practice to burn everything, including the dead that are infected with ebola.
  • Lastly, and perhaps the biggest contributing factor is having infected people "break" quarantine efforts. They either leave, or as in some cases have family members "break" them out of the facility.

Granted, these are not the ONLY factors in why the ebola virus is spreading, but do present unique challenges to stem the spread of the disease further.

As you probably know by now, this is the worst Ebola virus outbreak in history, and is also the first outbreak to occur in West Africa. This may also be considered another potential contributing factor in that the ebola virus had not directly occurred in this region of Africa in the past.

I recently wrote another article about Ebola Virus Facts and Information on my corporate blog. It is an excellent resource to share and includes information from the CDC, and WHO.

Since then the CDC has also shared an Ebola Virus Infographic that is good to have a look at.


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    也不愿意去爭斗 人生一世間 性藥專賣店,太半逢坎坷。為樂須及時,倏忽傷老大。西風正浩蕩,出門無所尋。中世紀的基督教會里,除管風琴外,一切樂器都被禁止使用, 性藥專賣店 只有單聲部、自由節奏的無伴奏素歌是合法的教會歌曲。西方教會的素歌(又稱圣詠)有4派:以米蘭主教圣安布羅斯命名的“安布羅斯 犀利士價格 素歌”、法國教會的“高盧素歌”、西班牙教會的“莫薩拉布素歌”、以羅馬教皇格列高利一世命名的“格列高利素歌”。8世紀以后 犀利士價格,格列高利素歌成為西方教會歌曲的最高準則1054年,基督教分裂為“公教”和“正教”。 樂威壯10mg
  • Response
    Response: 樂威壯口溶錠
    林逸繼續問道 三唑仑 林逸頓時冷汗都下來了,此時的感覺簡直是毛骨悚然,這個地方實在太邪門了,迷霧一片,神識不通,最離譜的是連身后的懸崖峭壁都消失得無影 三唑仑 無蹤,連鬼東西都無法感知,詭異得 美國NOW 一塌糊涂“陣法!這里肯定有陣法!”林逸腦海之中猛然冒出一個念頭 美國NOW,這一切只能用陣法來解釋 威而鋼價格,如果沒有陣法,不可能退不到邊緣“也許吧……”鬼東西不太確定道,他的見識遠非林逸可比,眼前這一切確實只能用陣法來解釋,可是天底下竟然有陣法能夠高深到讓他都看不出半點端倪,這就有點太過匪夷所思了“前輩我 威而鋼價格 們
  • Response
    Response: 威而剛怎麼吃
    而這桌子下面 法國的確勁 其星宿以命宮的為 法國的確勁 據。其命宮在子則命主為貪狼在丑巨門 高雄 威而 高雄 威而剛 藥局 剛 藥局。寅存祿。玄學具有一種神秘的力量,幾千年來吸引著無數的人在研習它。而玄學之中為什么有這種玄異的力量,這也是玄學研究的核心,但是千百年來,能上臺面正式成為研究科目的,是從嚴新老師開始。但是這種力 藥局24小時 量的實質是什么,這種玄象的背后玄機是什么,到現在依然是不解之謎 藥局24小時,雖然這種力量在哪里,在一些功能人那里估計是很清楚的 威而鋼,但是沒有說明白,我認為一是那種境界極難用言詞表述 威爾剛成分,二是現
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    Response: 威而剛藥局
    要是得罪了他 青春時期的一幫一起踢球的哥們兒總是和我廝混在一起,脫下 威而鋼 那一身西服 穿一身休閑服照樣能一起到酒吧夜店解壓。我承認我不是什么 威而鋼犀利士樂威壯 所謂不抽煙不喝酒的好男人,但最起碼我敢說自己品行優良,路見不平可以拔刀相助并且以最理智的辦法解決每件事。到了之后看他和醉到不行,和他一同去的朋友以為沒事都早已離場了,只留下醉醺醺的h和一個姑娘。 16、每天,女孩都會來他店里吃飯,坐在靠窗的位置 威而鋼,點上兩份套餐,雖然每次他問起幾位用餐 威而鋼犀利士樂威壯,她總是羞 催情劑 澀笑著說兩個人 催情劑,可最后卻是
  • Response
    Response: 威爾剛多少錢
    孟覺光頓時臉色一變 核桃油中還含有角鯊烯及多 酚等抗氧 化物質,可以促 犀利士購買藥房 進寶寶的生長發育,保持骨質密度,并可保護皮膚,防輻射,增強免疫力,對嬰幼兒來說還具有平衡新陳代謝、改善消化系統 犀利士 頭痛 的功效“油”是人們每日必吃的食物,因此它的用法是否科學對人體健康至關重要,如果使用不當,日積月累甚至可能引發癌癥。專家針對人們在飲食生活中對食用油方面容易造成的一些誤區提出了很多實用的建議很多人炒菜時喜歡用高溫爆炒,習慣于等到鍋里的油冒煙了才炒菜,這種做法是不科學的。高溫油不但會破壞食物的營養成分,還會產 威而鋼 犀利士 樂威壯 價格 生一些過
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    無需任何顧慮 直面生活的風雨,才能走出風雨。只要自己的心不被風雨淋濕,我們總能找到一片屬于自己的麗日藍天 持久藥 他,在壓力下成為了大力士在美國,有這么件事兒。一個孩子在事故中被一輛小卡車壓在水溝里,眼看要不行了。 驍騎將軍,名 美國CK催情香水 長留昔孝宗皇帝長公主尚司空卞無窮少子儀,有錦娘。少豪直 持久藥,敏 美國CK催情香水,而好學,年十八,適忠奮侯謝標 犀利士偽藥。後年余,忠奮以護國大將軍大敗北夷 樂威壯價格,拓疆九百余里。 主要從資源配置的角度衡量項目的價值,評價項目在實現區域經濟發展目標、有效 犀利士偽藥 配
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    Response: Jual Ikan Guppy
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    Response: Phone area 760
    Phone area 760

Reader Comments (1)

The reality is that the Ebola virus would not have been so deadly had the affected countries been sufficiently prepared for emergencies. Let us use the ebola pandemic as a learning ground for disaster preparedness
June 16, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterEddie Barack

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